
Salesforce Gmail integration for max productivity

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Imagine a great sales rep; let’s call him Bob. While he closes most deals, he is troubled because he spends time manually logging emails, tracking customer interactions, and updating contact details. All these low-impact tasks take up much time, and his workdays trickle into late nights most of the time. This is a problem for so many salespeople. 

Sales reps spend just 28% of their week—only 11 hours—actually selling (Source). Almost two-thirds of the week is swallowed by manual tasks like record-keeping and data entry, most of which never contribute to sales. 

Just think about this for a moment - two-thirds of a week means 34 weeks in a year spent on random, menial things that can now be automated. The opportunity cost of not automating sales tasks is just too high. A simple Salesforce Gmail integration can save Bob so much time. 

  • Bob’s emails and sales records could always be in sync with a simple workflow. No more copying and pasting, get everything within your gmail inbox. 
  • He can set up automated notifications about customer activities to be updated in real time. 

What would you do if you had 34 more weeks in a year to engage customers and close deals? And that’s just a single sales rep - imagine the impact if your entire sales team automates manual tasks. The potential for increased productivity and more closed deals is enormous. 

While there’s a Salesforce Gmail extension and native integrations available that most companies set up while onboarding, we (Konnectify) believe in going beyond just the basics. And we would love to help you make every minute count. So, let’s set it up. 

Preparing for Salesforce Gmail integration on Konnectify

Before setting up the Salesforce for Gmail integration, it’s critical to have all the necessary things in place. Here’s what you need to do first

Prerequisites: What you need before you begin

1. Note down your integration goals 

You must clearly articulate your objectives for integrating Salesforce and Gmail. Are you trying to improve lead tracking, enhance your response times, remove redundant work, or streamline communication flow - once you have this written down, it’s easier to build an integration that solves it for you. 

2. Verify your accounts 

Confirm that your Salesforce and Gmail accounts are active and verified and you have process access for both. 

3. Enable API Access

Check that API (Application Programming Interface) access is enabled, specifically for Salesforce. You may need to generate API keys or reach out to the right person for them. 

4. Backup your data

Always back up your existing data, no matter which apps we talk about. Protect your data from any data loss, and set up a continuous backup strategy. 

5. Look into your work processes

Look at your existing customer service and sales workflows to understand how data flows between your teams. Pinpoint the specific areas that are repetitive and can be automated, or bring improvements into your processes.

By completing these prerequisites, you’ll lay a solid foundation for integrating Salesforce with Gmail via Konnectify. Once these steps are checked off, you're ready to begin the integration process, which is honestly the easiest part of this journey. 

Integrate Gmail and Salesforce using Konnectify (Step-by-step)

Let’s set up an important use case step by step with Konnectify. Say you want to automatically send an email via Gmail whenever a task in Salesforce is updated

Step 1: Connect Salesforce and Gmail via Konnectify

  • Login to Konnectify.  Konnectify dashboard to find these apps. If you don’t have a Konnectify account, sign up right now. (Get a 21-day free trial, no credit card is required to start).

  • Add Salesforce and Gmail as Connections. The process of linking accounts via API keys in Konnectify is called setting a connection. Provide the API key and any other credentials necessary for your CRM and email account.

Salesforce connection within the Konnectify dashboard

Step 2: Create the automation 

Automations or full executions in Konnectify are called ‘Konnectors’. Each execution will have 2 elements at the very least - Triggers and Actions. 

  • Add a Trigger. Triggers are what activate the task. In this case, it would be a task being updated within Salesforce or any other CRM. So select ‘Task Update’ as a Trigger.

  • Choose your Action. Basically, what action do you want this workflow to take? In this use case, we want it to ‘Send Email’. So you choose that event and map the relevant details like task description, status, and any relevant notes—into the body of the email. 

The trigger and action for the Salesforce gmail integration workflow

Step 3: Testing the Salesforce gmail integration

Just to ensure everything is working properly, update a task in Salesforce and check if you receive an email in Gmail instantly. If yes, you’re ready to push this live for all sales reps. 

That’s it; in three simple steps your integration is ready. And, this is just one use case. Konnectify has an extensive number of actions and triggers, so you can do a lot more. 

Some of the use case templates available within Konnectify

You can also connect to 100+ other apps like Microsoft Outlook, Shopify, Stripe, HubSpot, Google Calendar, Slack, Marketo, QuickBooks, and a lot more.

Benefits of a Salesforce Gmail Integration 

The sky is the limit to what you can do here. You unlock so many API endpoints, so, let’s get into what you can do if you connect Salesforce to Gmail. 

Get immediate updates and notifications 

Never miss a beat when you get real-time alerts. Whenever a new lead is captured or a record is updated, you will always receive instant notifications. So, you can respond quickly and proactively close more deals. 

Say goodbye to manual data entry with real-time sync

With Konnectify, all the data that needs to be passed can be done. Salesforce data records get updated instantly with contact details captured in Gmail. You can even pull information from email signatures and enrich data automatically, eliminating the likelihood of human error. Konnectify also keeps track of activity history of your executions. 

Streamline task management 

Convert critical emails in Gmail into Salesforce tasks or opportunities with just a few clicks. This way, you will know which tasks to prioritize, and managing the sales pipeline will become more effortless.

Automate your routine tasks 

With options like drafting emails in Gmail (using ChatGPT) for new Salesforce records or preparing updates for existing records, you can automatic the routine communication that typically consumes a significant part of the day. Beyond this, you can pass any kind of CRM data to your email inbox, and choose email templates too.  

Give your sales team the gift of time—automated workflows to allow them to focus on what matters most—closing deals. This Gmail Salesforce integration can maximize productivity, enhance responsiveness, and drive more successful sales outcome. 


Let’s circle back to Bob and incredible sales reps like him, who are bogged down by manual work. It’s time to sign them up for success - so that they can close more deals. 

Use Salesforce Gmail integration to work faster and smarter. Empower your sales team to turn every opportunity into revenue. 

So, let's not let Bob and countless others like him spend another evening stuck in a cycle of inefficiency. We will do the heavy lifting. 

So, are you convinced yet to save 34 more weeks? 

Save more, one integration at a time. 

Sign up today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Salesforce? 

Salesforce is a robust CRM platform designed to streamline all customer-facing operations by managing interactions, data, and processes from a single interface. Used by marketing and sales teams, it is used to track customer activity, manage sales pipelines, and executing marketing campaigns. It’s among the most popular sales CRMs out there, and was the first ever platform to have a cloud-based subscription. 

What is Gmail?

Gmail is a free, web-based email service developed by Google. It is known for its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and extensive storage capacity. Gmail offers seamless integration with other Google services such as Google Drive, Google Calendar, and Contacts, facilitating a cohesive user experience. The platform supports email organization, effective spam filtering, and easy search functionality, making it a preferred choice for personal and professional communication. Additionally, Gmail's compatibility with various third-party apps enhances its utility, allowing users to manage email communications efficiently.

Can I set up a Salesforce google mail integration l on my own? 

100%. You can do so in minutes on Konnectify - no developer or coding needed. We take care of the apps, so that you can focus on high-value tasks. 

How do I update the Salesforce Gmail extension? 

You can also use the Gmail  Salesforce extension on Chrome - but it doesn’t have the same depth and functionality as what you can do with a Salesforce Gmail integration. 

To update the extension, navigate to AppExchange, find the extension, and click "Get It Now" to install any updates. Ensure to follow the provided instructions for a seamless update process. This integration is also available in the Chrome Web store. 

Can I integrate multiple Gmail accounts with Salesforce?

Yes, you can set up a Gmail to Salesforce connector for multiple Gmail accounts to keep your communications organized and efficient. By setting up individual integrations for each account through platforms like Konnectify, you can manage all your interactions seamlessly within Salesforce, streamlining your workflow significantly.

How do I ensure data security with Salesforce Gmail integration? 

You don’t have to worry about it, because we (Konnectify) take care of it. All your data is safe. But if you’re managing this otherwise - Enable encryption, restrict access levels, and implement regular security audits. Stay vigilant against unauthorized access and keep your data protected at all times.

Automation just got cooler