Konnectify Code
Customize your Automations with Code
Spice up your automations with JavaScript for smooth data transformations, advanced calculations, or custom validations.
Code-savvy? Go wild. Not a dev? Let AI write it for you.

Do More In Workflows
with Custom Coder
Raw JavaScript Execution
Custom Code for Data Handling
Write scripts to control data for JSON transformations, regex validations, UTC conversions and more.
Reuse Boiler Plate Code
Forget the trouble of having to write the same scripts again, save code (e.g., calculateTax.js) to a team library and plug it in whenever you want!

For Non-Coders Who Need Advanced Logic

Let AI code for you
Just type what you need in plain English, and our AI will write perfect code for you. You can tweak it yourself or let the AI polish it further too.

Text-to-Javascript for Data Control
Easily pull in data from previous steps, like the data from Stripe and send the results to any app you choose, whether it's Airtable, Salesforce, or another.
Get more from Automations with Custom Code
Embed Custom Logic
Write and execute JavaScript inside automations. If JavaScript can do it, so can your workflow.
Run Data Transformations
Clean, format, and restructure data on the fly. for advanced calculations & automated data prep inside workflows
Easily Distribute Data
Move, map, and modify data across apps without restrictions into CRM, databases, spreadsheets with custom scripts.