Konnectify's Embedded IPaaS

Smart Dashboards and Automation Reports

Refine your product with dynamic data on user engagement and actionable insights for administrative control.

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Dashboard and Reporting
enduser dashboard

Dashboard For End Users

Real-Time Workflow Monitoring
  • Real-time visibility on completed, pending, or failed tasks to know their workflow status.
  • Instantly send updates on issues for quick troubleshooting and uninterrupted operations.

Dashboard For Admins

Manage Accounts with Real-Time Data
  • Track top users by account activity and app usage to stay on top of account management.
  • Utilise data to efficiently allocate resources, focusing on high ROI activities that enhance user satisfaction.
admin dashboard
enduser report

Reporting For End Users

Document Automated Operations
  • Generate reports on CRM data syncs, customer payments, ticket handling and other workflow automations.
  • Capture key metrics from customizable reports for easier auditing and performance reviews.

Reporting For Admins

Drive Product Decisions with Data
  • Create customizable usage reports with filters for apps, workflows, time frames, and customers.
  • Gain clarity on user trends to optimize resources, refine workflows, and highlight popular features in your product.
admin report

Track User Engagement with Embedded iPaaS Solutions

Use real-time reporting and dashboards to make data-driven product decisions that deliver a seamless user experience.

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