
Product Managers Love Konnectify. Here’s why.

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If I had a penny for everytime I heard someone say “Your job is just telling us what to do” or “I could do that easily” or “Are you just gonna say “it depends” again?”, I wouldn’t have to be a Product Manager anymore. But hey, here I am. 

Us Product managers wear many hats, juggling a lot of tasks from product strategy to roadmap development, feature prioritization, and stakeholder management. 

Now when we juggle a lot of things, we do wish for a tool that would make life easier. One of those tools is Konnectify.

Konnectify, with its ability to automate workflows and integrate different tools, can be a game-changer for product managers and basically change the way they function.

But how? Well, there’s basically 4 things I’d categorise it into:

  1. Streamlining Product Development Workflow
  2. Enhancing Stakeholder Management
  3. Improving Product Launch Readiness
  4. Analyzing Product Performance

Streamlining Product Development Workflow

  • Automating Task Management: Integrate project management tools like Trello or Asana with Konnectify to automatically create tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates.
  • Accelerating Feedback Loops: Connect instant messaging tools like Slack and Teams with Konnectify to streamline the feedback process.
  • Prioritizing Features: Use Konnectify to create workflows that prioritize features based on customer feedback, market trends, and business objectives.

Integration: Jira + Slack + Google Drive

  • Objective: Automate updates on project tasks and milestones.
  • Workflow: When a new issue or task is created in Jira, automatically send a notification to a dedicated Slack channel and upload any related documents to a specific Google Drive folder.
  • Outcome: Keeps all team members informed in real time, ensures document management is streamlined, and reduces the need for manual updates.

Enhancing Stakeholder Management

  • Centralized Communication: Integrate email, Slack, and other communication tools with Konnectify to centralize conversations related to product development.
  • Automating Status Updates: Leveraging collected data to create reports on product progress and share them with stakeholders via email or other preferred channels.
  • Managing Feedback: Automatically create tasks or tickets based on stakeholder feedback, ensuring timely action.

Integration: Asana + HubSpot + Gmail

  • Objective: Automate customer communication.
  • Workflow: When a task is completed in Asana, automatically create a note in HubSpot under the stakeholder's profile and send a personalized email update via Gmail.
  • Outcome: Ensures stakeholders are always in the loop without requiring manual follow-up, fostering stronger relationships.

Improving Product Launch Readiness

  • Creating Pre-Launch Checklists: Develop automated checklists to ensure all necessary tasks are completed before product launch.
  • Coordinating Marketing and Sales: Integrate CRM and marketing automation tools with Konnectify to ensure alignment between product launch and go-to-market strategies.

Integration: Airtable + Mailchimp + Slack

  • Objective: Coordinate launch activities across teams.
  • Workflow: When a launch date is finalized in Airtable, automatically trigger a pre-launch email campaign via Mailchimp and notify the marketing and sales teams in Slack.
  • Outcome: Ensures all teams are aware of the launch timeline and ready to execute their roles, improving overall launch coordination.

Analyzing Product Performance

  • Automating Data Collection: Integrate analytics tools like Google Analytics with Konnectify to gather product usage data.
  • Generating Performance Reports: Leverage the tools to create automated reports on key product metrics to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

Integration: Google Analytics + HubSpot + Slack

  • Objective: Track key performance metrics and automate reporting.
  • Workflow: Pull product usage data from Google Analytics and automatically update relevant customer profiles in HubSpot. Weekly reports summarizing user engagement and product performance are sent directly to a designated Slack channel.
  • Outcome: Provides the product team with timely insights into how customers are interacting with the product, allowing for data-driven improvements and personalized customer outreach.

By leveraging Konnectify's automation capabilities, product managers can significantly reduce manual effort, improve decision-making, and ultimately deliver better products to market.

Automation just got cooler