Connect and Integrate
Zoho CRM with DevRev

Connect Zoho CRM to DevRev and watch how much smoother your workflows can become with automation.

Easy Steps to Connect
Zoho CRM and DevRev

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Select a trigger in Zoho CRM

Choose an event in Zoho CRM like “New event in Zoho CRM,” to set off your automation.

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Automate an Action in DevRev

Connect your DevRev account and select an action like “Take action in DevRev” to make your work flow.

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Customize the Workflow

Build your Zoho CRM - DevRev automations the way you want with an easy-to-use workflow builder tools that suits your needs.

Here's Some Easy Zoho CRM Automations
and DevRev Automations to Try!

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Create Xero bills from updated Zoho CRM entries

Work smarter, not harder—Zoho CRM + Xero streamline every task.

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Create and email sales invoices in Xero from Zoho CRM entries

Unlock a new level of ease. Zoho CRM + Xero get it done for you.

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Update Xero contacts for new Zoho CRM contacts

Zoho CRM and Xero—because your workflow deserves an upgrade.

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Create bills in Xero from updated Zoho CRM entries

Why wait? Zoho CRM + Xero bring efficiency to your day, every day.

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Update Xero contacts from new Zoho CRM entries

Why wait? Zoho CRM + Xero bring efficiency to your day, every day.

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Create Xero contacts from updated Zoho CRM entries

Take your work to the next level. Zoho CRM and Xero make it happen!

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Crack down on wasted time with automations
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About Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a cloud-based platform that streamlines sales, marketing, and customer support processes. It offers customizable tools like lead management, sales automation, and AI-powered insights. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, Zoho CRM helps enhance productivity, improve customer engagement, and drive informed decisions while integrating seamlessly with other apps.
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About DevRev

DevRev is a developer-centric CRM to bridge the gap between developers and customers. It completely integrates customer support, product development, and revenue generation into one unified platform. DevRev offers AI-driven customer service automations with CRM functionality, support systems, and data insights to help companies improve customer engagement, product development, and business efficiency.
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