
Beginners' Guide to Mailchimp Salesforce Integration

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the time you spend managing customer data or annoyed with the gaps while running email campaigns?

If you use any CRM or email marketing platform, you'd be familiar with the hassle of keeping these platforms in sync. Let's think of Mailchimp and Salesforce in this instance. Individually, these are powerful tools that can enhance your marketing efforts and improve customer engagement. As Mailchimp and Salesforce users, when you integrate Salesforce with Mailchimp, you can seamlessly manage your contacts and campaigns, streamline your marketing processes, and save lots of time and effort. So, you will never miss an opportunity to connect with your leads and customers.

Mailchimp Salesforce Integration

This is where Konnectify comes in - to make it super easy to set up. You can set up a Mailchimp Integration with Salesforce in minutes. Think of what you can do with a Salesforce Mailchimp integration - view and manage Mailchimp contacts from Salesforce, build segments in your Mailchimp audience, and view campaign activity and reports directly in Salesforce. So, your subscriber data, lead data, and campaign activity are always in sync.

So, let's take email marketing to the next level with automation and maximize the potential of your customer data.

Understanding Mailchimp Salesforce Integration

Every app collects tens of data points, and with each data point, you can do hundreds of things. Integration is made possible through the use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which allow different software applications to communicate with each other. When you combine 2 apps, the combination possibilities multiply.

Salesforce is a robust CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system with a comprehensive suite of tools for managing customer data, tracking sales, and automating marketing processes. Mailchimp, on the other hand, is a leading email marketing platform that allows for the creation and management of email campaigns, audience segmentation, and campaign performance tracking.

With a Mailchimp Salesforce integration, you can streamline your marketing processes and gain valuable insights into your audience and campaign performance. You can sync your Mailchimp data, including subscriber lists, campaign activity, and contact information. This allows you to access and manage your email data from within Salesforce, eliminating the need to switch between platforms. So let's get to the why - why does this matter to you?

What are the benefits of Integrating Mailchimp with Salesforce?

  1. Sync data effortlessly. Sync your Mailchimp contacts with Salesforce leads and contacts, ensuring your subscriber data is always up-to-date on both platforms. This allows you to automatically update subscriber activity, such as open and click rate, and segment audiences smartly.
  2. Personalize your marketing campaigns. You can access contact information, such as email addresses and campaign history, directly in Salesforce, segment audiences on demographics and past purchase behavior, and deliver personalized content and offers.
  3. Improve customer engagement. Utilize the in-depth analytics to gain insights into your audience, campaign performance, and subscriber data. Now that you've valuable insights into your subscribers' behavior and engagement and are personalizing marketing campaigns, your customers will be far more engaged.
  4. Save time and money. There's no need to add data manually or worry about errors or data inaccuracy.

Prerequisites for Salesforce Integration with Mailchimp

While setting up this Mailchimp Salesforce Integration is supremely easy, you need to have a few things ready before we get started.

  1. Salesforce CRM: You will need an account for obvious reasons. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to install and configure apps.
  2. Mailchimp account: You should also have an account for this. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free account.
  3. Konnectify account: In other setups, you will need a developer or a coder to set this up. But in this instance, you can do it in minutes without contacting any developer or administrator.

How to Integrate Mailchimp with Salesforce (Step by-Step guide)

This is a relatively straightforward process in Konnectify and can be completed in a few minutes. Let's try with a simple use case - "Automatically add new Salesforce contacts to a Mailchimp list". So whenever there's a new record, it will reflect automatically.

Step 1: Connect both accounts with Konnectify

  • Get on the Konnectify account. If you're new, you can sign up right here.
  • Add both as connections on your Konnectify dashboard.
    • Select Salesforce from the list of available apps and enter your API key and other required details to validate your account.
    • Repeat the process for Mailchimp, ensuring that you provide the necessary API key and credentials to establish the connection.
Create connection in Konnectify dashboard

Step 2: Add Trigger and Action

In Konnectify, automations or workflows are named "Konnectors". Click on "New Konnector" to get started.

  1. Set the Trigger. Select the event "New Contact Created" in Salesforce. This workflow will be initiated every time a new contact is added in Salesforce.
  2. Add an Action. Choose Mailchimp as your Action app, and select "Add Subscriber to List". Map the contact details and additional fields to ensure the right information is added.
Mailchimp Salesforce integration workflow on Konnectify dashboard

Step 3: Test the Integration

Once you have set up the Mailchimp Salesforce integration, run a test to ensure it works as expected. Create a new contact and check if it's reflecting in the list. You can try different scenarios to ensure that this integration handles any potential errors gracefully.

Best Practices to manage this

  1. Define clear objectives. Identify specific goals and outcomes that you want to achieve with this integration. For example, you may want to use Mailchimp to build a targeted audience and generate leads. In this case, your objective could be to increase the number of Salesforce leads generated through Mailchimp campaigns.
  2. Ensure data consistency. Implement regular data syncing intervals to ensure that any changes or updates made in one platform are reflected in the other. This will help you maintain a single source of truth for your contact information and avoid any data discrepancies or errors.
  3. Make use of segmentation. By segmenting your Mailchimp contacts based on criteria such as demographics, interests, or past interactions, you can tailor your email marketing messages to specific audiences. This increases the likelihood of engagement and conversions, as your messages are more relevant and targeted.

Key Metrics to Track Post-Integration

By tracking key metrics and analyzing campaign stats, you can determine the ROI of your integration and identify areas for improvement.

  1. One important metric to track is subscriber activity. This includes metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By monitoring these metrics, you can assess the engagement and responsiveness of your subscribers to your email marketing campaigns. So you can measure how engaged your audience is and identify opportunities for further engagement.
  2. Another key metric to track is campaign stats. This includes metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.
  3. Additionally, track metrics like bounce rates and unsubscribe rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize your email marketing efforts.

Calculating the ROI of your integration helps you determine the financial impact of your Mailchimp Salesforce integration. This includes evaluating the revenue generated from your email marketing campaigns and comparing it to the cost of the integration and marketing efforts.


See - the sky is the limit. You can do so much with this - sync contacts, automate workflows, and get valuable insights - all within a few clicks. So, sales and marketing teams are likely to be perfectly in sync, working with the most accurate and current information without you spending 72% of your time doing administrative tasks.

There are hundreds of things you can automate.

All it takes is a few clicks.

So, are you ready to automate it all? Sign up today.

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need coding skills to set up the integration?

No, you don't need any coding skills to set up the Mailchimp Salesforce integration or any other integration with Konectify. Konnectify is a no-code SaaS integration platform - so anyone can automate in a few minutes. Sales and marketing teams can work together efficiently, with accurate information, freeing up time previously spent on administrative tasks.

How does the integration improve customer segmentation?

The integration allows you to use Salesforce’s robust customer data for precise segmentation in Mailchimp. You can create highly targeted email lists based on customer demographics, purchase history, and engagement levels, leading to more effective and personalized marketing campaigns.

Can I track email campaign performance in Salesforce?

Yes, the integration allows you to view Mailchimp campaign activities and performance metrics directly within Salesforce. This helps you analyze the impact of your email marketing efforts on your sales pipeline and make informed decisions.

How does the Mailchimp Salesforce integration handle unsubscribes and bounces?

When a contact unsubscribes or an email bounces, the integration can automatically update the status across apps. This ensures your CRM records are always up-to-date, maintaining data accuracy and compliance with email marketing laws. You can just set up a simple automation - and you're good to go.

What kind of support is available for setting up the integration?

Konnectify provides comprehensive support to help you set up and manage this. Contact us at, and we'll take care of the rest.

Automation just got cooler